Sweltering summer afternoon. Slumped in a chair. Staring at my dick. I’m sweaty. It glistens. It’s tacky. I still haven’t blown my load. It’s my older brother’s turn. He’s trying. I’ve just brought another girl to orgasm. It was her first. My brother is trying to get Sarah to cum again. Erik’s fucked Sarah before. Never got that result. I think he’s jealous Not sure how many times he’s fucked our sister, but I'm the one who got her off.
Physically mature enough to fuck; old enough to know better. Horny enough not to care. I still don’t have driver’s license, but I can fuck like a champ.
I stare at Erik’s ass. He’s got a lot of zits on his back and butt. Her hands run up and down his frame. He keeps thrusting. She’s enjoying it. Sarah keeps glancing back at me. That smile. It kills. She will destroy men with that smile.
Usually at The Ranch this time of year. It’s even hotter there. But there is AC in the main house. Swamp coolers in the barracks. Even the barn gets a decent cross breeze. Home just swelters. No breeze. The heat weighs on us. Yet we can still fuck.
Sweltering heat makes you move slow. My bro and I wandered about in just our underwear most of the day. That’s how it started. Sarah had all the fans in her room. Lying on her bed. Bra and panties. An athlete like the rest of us. Firm body. Nice tits. Prettier than most girls. Sarah gives us that sweet smile as we walk in. Did she plan this?
Erik has filled out a lot since Christmas. Taller. Broader. Soccer has made his thighs thick. His ass firm and round. Bulging muscles whenever he walks. Big chest. Bigger shoulders. Like all the men in my family. I’m not yet a man. I feel like one today.
I smirk as my brother grunts into my sister. I made Sarah cum. I guess Erik never got a how-to lesson.
Lessons for Junior High
Late Saturday night in early fall. Parents are still out. Everyone is in bed. Almost everyone.
James, oldest bro is downstairs with his girlfriend. I wander down. They’re on his bed. Her blouse is open. I see her bra. Her panties are off. I see her bush. James is shirtless in jeans. He’s finger fucking her. She groans. Opens her eyes and sees me. She nudges my brother. He smiles. They’re stoned.
He asks me if I want to touch it. I shake my head. James tells me not to be nervous. Brings me forward. He keeps fingering her. Two fingers are in her pussy. His thumb is gently rubbing her clit. His talk and his fingering are slow and deliberate. I want to leave. I can’t. I want to touch it. I’m so hard it hurts. I think it’s going to rip through my cutoffs.
I try. Not sure what I’m doing or why. James guides me. Tells me what to do. She’s laying back, smiling. I play with it. Soft. Silky. Wet. I enjoy watching how she squirms with my fingers. It’s lovely.
James leans down and licks her pussy. I curl my lips. Gross. She whispers it’s great. James nods. If James likes it, I like it. I think of Willy Wonka when everyone is licking the wallpaper. He and I lick. I keep clumsily fingering her.
I start to grab her boob. James stops me. “Don’t grab. Work around.” His theory: if you grab it, she’ll push you away. If you play around it, she yank your hand to it. I can’t touch her boob, but I can finger her cunt? Okay…
I learn a lot that night about pleasing a woman. I’m not good, but I get the mechanics. James has me leave when he’s gonna fuck her. The door’s open. I sneak a peek and watch them screw. He cums quicker than I thought he would.
Two months later, I’m at my first real boy/girl party. Marci likes me. She’s told everyone. (She told Erica, who told Karyn, who told everyone. The guys tease me about making out with her. We end up in the master bedroom. We talk. Marci is pretty. Dark, curly hair. Glasses. Just got her braces off. Real bra; no trainer. At that age, she was as hot as Susanne Sommers.
We kiss. I ‘work around.’ Hand near boob. Hand on thigh. On inner thigh. On waist. Back to inner thigh. My hand moves up her skirt...
I can feel the heat. I let my hand brush against Marci’s panties. She jumps. I pull away. I apologize. She tells me it’s okay.
Marci stands up. She smiles. Reaches under her skirt…
My jaw hits the floor as she takes off her panties and sits back down… on my lap. I don’t work around. Inner thigh. My fingers ease in. She coos. She’s so wet. Reach around touching her bra. Bra comes off.
I’m dumfounded. I’m not sure what I should do. I want to dive right into a nipple. I move forward… and then I work around. It’s not long before I’m licking her nipple. She gets chills. My fingers are deep in wet fur. “Thank you, James” keeps running through my head.
Only after, do I realize she makes no attempt for my dick. However, I’m very aware that it is straining against my pants. I’d probably nut if she reached for it.
I lean her back on the bed. I attack with gusto. She squeals. She giggles. She moans. And then she MOANS. It’s low. Dark. Loud. I continue flicking my tongue and teasing with my fingers. Seeing what will happen if I do this. Or this. Or… this. She begins to groan higher and increasingly louder. Now I really get it: the mental and the mechanics. She’s squeezing my legs between her thighs. My ears are blocked with her thighs. I hear two things: my pounding heart and her screams. I keep at it.
This. Is. Awesome.
I think she may orgasm… how do girls orgasm? I know what guys do, but what happens when a girl cums? I don’t stop. I want to find out what happens.
Marci’s body shakes violently. Her legs kick. Slamming into my back. I will have nasty bruises for over a week. I start to pull up but the force of her legs keeps pushing me back down. From 30 years later, I imagine it much more comical. At that moment it was beyond intense. When her movements slow I pull back and fall on the floor.
We stare at each other: Shock. Guilt. Smiles.
I stand. She points at my hardon. I try and cover it. She laughs. Fucking bitch.
There’s a knock at the door. I don’t hear the party. Shit. Has everyone gone home? Did we scare people? What if it’s the cops? Fuck… what if it’s my dad?
She quickly dresses. Hand covering the boner, I slowly open the door. Everyone from the party is crammed into the hall. EVERY ONE of my friends in the world is in that hallway. “Is Marci okay?” I just stare. My mouth glistens with her juices.
Minutes later, the girls are all upstairs with Marci. I’m with the guys in the living room. They want details. It’s weird saying I ate her pussy. So I just say we made out. It doesn't matter what I say. My rep is sealed: I fucked her. I fucked her good. She’s labeled a slut. I’m labeled a stud. She has to change schools by the next year. Girls seek me out to take their virginity. I take them. I like it. Guys want to be around me. I like that more.
One thing in my favor is that I’m young and horny all the time. It really doesn’t matter who I’m fucking. Just that I’m fucking. It’s not until I get a steady “girlfriend” that I’m left somewhat alone.
In the heat of itI’d grown a few inches since that fall evening to that sweltering afternoon. I’m tall and gangly. Football and Baseball are not yet adding weight to my frame. My sister is the latest in a long line of girls I’ve made cum. However, she is the first I’ve made cum by fucking.
The three of us have been talking for about an hour. Clumsy innuendos. Clumsier double entendres. She lay on the bed sweating with all three fans blowing on her. I stand in the door looking at her tits. She smiles her killer smile, “Wanna fuck me?” She’s joking. I know it. My brother, sitting on the end of the bed massaging her feet knows it. My dick doesn’t. I go instantly hard.
I try to cover. It’s not use. Embarrassed, I want to leave. Sarah tells me to stay. Her legs spread. I can see her lips through the thin fabric. She smiles. “So Karyn said you’re really good…”
She loves how I play with it. My fingers. My tongue. She squeals and giggles. Twice she kicks me away, her foot slamming onto my shoulder and I’m on the floor. I get up after the second time. Sarah leans forward. Stops me before I kneel down again and pulls off my underwear. She sucks it a bit. She’s not that good.
But it’s a mouth…
A few minutes later, I’m entering her. She’s not quite all the way on the bed. I don’t have a good standing position over her. Not confident enough to tell her to move. She might stop me altogether.
As I slide in. I think, “This feels so good and SO right.
The end result is that I’m pushing up as I thrust. Each thrust rubs my bush against her clit. Each thrust causes her to whimper. After about ten minutes she’s screaming. I’m not sure how long I’m supposed to fuck. I’ve never had someone watching. I keep checking the clock, like an alarm will go off and tell me to stop. I look at Erik. I can’t figure out what he’s thinking: blank expression. I keep her on the edge long enough for her to scrape the shit out of my back with her nails. She tenses up. Her orgasm isn’t nearly as loud as I would have thought. She twitches and gurgles.
I pull out. I’m still hard. I haven’t cum yet. I’m thrown by her orgasm. Never happened while fucking. I’m disoriented. I flop into the chair. My brother gracelessly moves on top of Sarah. She pushes him off. He lays next to her. He brushes her tears away. I’m worried I hurt her.
We sit in silence for a while. Breathing. Sweating. My cock pulses as it rests on my thigh. Still hard; but not rigid.
Erik kisses Sarah’s leg. Moves to her pussy. He doesn’t lick it. Kisses around it. Up to her neck. She pulls him on top of her. Erik looks to me and says something about showing me how it’s done… Erik oafishly fucks her for a while.
I move to the bed. Sarah grabs my still hard dick. My brother is dripping sweat all over her. I rub his back. She tugs on my dick. My brother leans forward. I think he’s going to suck it. It’s too much. I jizz on my sister’s face. She lets go almost instantly. I keep cumming. Erik nuts inside her.
Jizz is on her face. In her hair. I smile. She yells at us: “Give a girl some warning.” As quick as it started, it’s over.
Late that night I can’t sleep. Too hot. Sheets off. One of the fans we stole from Sarah lazily swaying back and forth. Hardly much of a breeze. Erik groans in frustration. Heats too much for him as well. He tells me his dick still smells of Sarah’s juices. I laugh. I lick my finger and move it to my dick. Back up to my nose. Yep. I smell her, too.
Erik asks if I want to suck her off his dick. Of course.
I can barely see on this moonless night. I go to the side of his bed. I kneel as I often do before I blow him. I pull his already hard dick into my mouth. He stops me. “I’ll suck her off of you, too.”
A day of firsts: my first 69.
It’s rare for Erik to blow me. I can’t think of but a handful of times he’s sucked it. I don’t want to cum quickly. He starts rubbing my crack. I nut. I try not to collapse on him and choke him. My body is trembling.
I choke a little on his dick. He cums almost immediately.
We talk about the day. Fucking our sister. Is that wrong? It felt good. We know we’re not supposed to… but it feels fantastic. We bond in that moment. But I will ruin it…
In 3, 2, 1…
I make a crack about him not getting her off. As with most of our disagreements, it involves wrestling. One of us attacking the other and rolling around on the ground, trying to kill the other.
It doesn’t take too long for our parents to come storming in. They yell at us in that parental back-and-forth of asking questions, yet not waiting for an answer. We are frozen with fear and confusion. Parental shadows loom over us:
“Do you know what time it is?”
“Where are your pants?”
“Get off your brother!”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Honestly, you boys need to stop this constant fighting!”
“Where are your pants?”
“You are both old enough to know better!”
“I said, ‘get off your brother!’”
“Get to bed.”
“If I hear another peep out of you two, I swear to goodness…!”
The door slams. Their voices drifting as they walk down the hall.
“Where the hell are their pants?”
“Damn kids. We’ll see how much fighting they’ll have energy for after a day putting in fences on the ranch…”
We stay frozen for a moment. Me twisted into a ball. Eric on top of me. Our hands clenched in the other’s, pushing back and forth.We are united in that moment against our common enemy: Our parents. We laugh. We laugh hard.
Dad’s voice cries out from down the hall, “I swear to all that is holy, I will kick your godamned asses if you don’t shut the hell up right now!” We attempt to muffle them. This makes us laugh harder. We giggle. Our bodies shake together.
The heat. The wrestling. The hot embarrassment of being caught naked with my older brother. We are slick with sweat. We don’t let go. My backside on the carpet. I lean back. I pull my brother. Erik moves forward. His cock presses against my crack. We’re both hard.
I’m not sure how many times he’s fucked me by this time. Half a dozen? Mostly it’s been me blowing him. Sometimes he’d crawl into my bed. It always hurt. I never wanted it.
Today, I did.
“Vaseline,” I murmur. There’s a jar in our nightstand. He snuck it from my parent’s bathroom. It’s almost empty now. He lets go of my hand. I hear the soft scrape as the drawer is open. The metal lid pops off. His finger probes my ass a bit. It hurts. It feels good.
I hear the soft sounds as he works the thick jelly onto his dick. He massages it. It’ll be warm. Smooth.
I start to turn into the doggie position. He tells me to stay. I didn’t know guys could fuck in other positions. We’d always done it doggie style.
He moves to mount me. Dick against my hole. It feels natural. He pushes in. Oh my. This, this is right and good. I let out a groan/sigh. He works deep into me. He asks if I’m okay. I nod. He asks again. I nod. He leans in. Whispers in my ear. “You okay…?” I pull him closer. “Yeah.” It comes out as a whisper.
As my brother begins to slowly thrust, the usual pain and discomfort are hardly there. I try and stay quiet. It’s difficult. It feels so good. My hands run up and down his back like my sister’s earlier. Is this what it’s like to be a girl?
Nuzzling my neck. His body is both hot and cold at the same time. He asks again if it feels good. I whimper. His fucking is far less stilted than it was this afternoon with her. Slow rhythm. Purposeful. Strong.
He’s close. I pull him closer. My legs wrap around him. He starts to fuck a little harder. It feels fantastic. I tell him to fuck me faster… and harder. He obliges.
He cums deep in me. Both of us stifle our whimpers. He pumps until he’s spent. He shakes as he lays there. We lay there in silence. I feel his sweat dripping down on me. I make no attempt to move.
Erik pulls off. I let out a tremendous fart. I lay there. Shaking. Trying not to laugh out loud. Dick and fart jokes will continue to make us laugh.
The floor feels cooler than my bed. I lay there. He makes no attempt to get me off. After a bit, he collapses onto his bed. I jack off to the sound of his soft snore.
I fall asleep on the floor. The rug feels cool. It’s going to be even hotter tomorrow.
Physically mature enough to fuck; old enough to know better. Horny enough not to care. I still don’t have driver’s license, but I can fuck like a champ.
I stare at Erik’s ass. He’s got a lot of zits on his back and butt. Her hands run up and down his frame. He keeps thrusting. She’s enjoying it. Sarah keeps glancing back at me. That smile. It kills. She will destroy men with that smile.
Usually at The Ranch this time of year. It’s even hotter there. But there is AC in the main house. Swamp coolers in the barracks. Even the barn gets a decent cross breeze. Home just swelters. No breeze. The heat weighs on us. Yet we can still fuck.
Sweltering heat makes you move slow. My bro and I wandered about in just our underwear most of the day. That’s how it started. Sarah had all the fans in her room. Lying on her bed. Bra and panties. An athlete like the rest of us. Firm body. Nice tits. Prettier than most girls. Sarah gives us that sweet smile as we walk in. Did she plan this?
Erik has filled out a lot since Christmas. Taller. Broader. Soccer has made his thighs thick. His ass firm and round. Bulging muscles whenever he walks. Big chest. Bigger shoulders. Like all the men in my family. I’m not yet a man. I feel like one today.
I smirk as my brother grunts into my sister. I made Sarah cum. I guess Erik never got a how-to lesson.
Lessons for Junior High
Late Saturday night in early fall. Parents are still out. Everyone is in bed. Almost everyone.
James, oldest bro is downstairs with his girlfriend. I wander down. They’re on his bed. Her blouse is open. I see her bra. Her panties are off. I see her bush. James is shirtless in jeans. He’s finger fucking her. She groans. Opens her eyes and sees me. She nudges my brother. He smiles. They’re stoned.
He asks me if I want to touch it. I shake my head. James tells me not to be nervous. Brings me forward. He keeps fingering her. Two fingers are in her pussy. His thumb is gently rubbing her clit. His talk and his fingering are slow and deliberate. I want to leave. I can’t. I want to touch it. I’m so hard it hurts. I think it’s going to rip through my cutoffs.
I try. Not sure what I’m doing or why. James guides me. Tells me what to do. She’s laying back, smiling. I play with it. Soft. Silky. Wet. I enjoy watching how she squirms with my fingers. It’s lovely.
James leans down and licks her pussy. I curl my lips. Gross. She whispers it’s great. James nods. If James likes it, I like it. I think of Willy Wonka when everyone is licking the wallpaper. He and I lick. I keep clumsily fingering her.
I start to grab her boob. James stops me. “Don’t grab. Work around.” His theory: if you grab it, she’ll push you away. If you play around it, she yank your hand to it. I can’t touch her boob, but I can finger her cunt? Okay…
I learn a lot that night about pleasing a woman. I’m not good, but I get the mechanics. James has me leave when he’s gonna fuck her. The door’s open. I sneak a peek and watch them screw. He cums quicker than I thought he would.
Two months later, I’m at my first real boy/girl party. Marci likes me. She’s told everyone. (She told Erica, who told Karyn, who told everyone. The guys tease me about making out with her. We end up in the master bedroom. We talk. Marci is pretty. Dark, curly hair. Glasses. Just got her braces off. Real bra; no trainer. At that age, she was as hot as Susanne Sommers.
We kiss. I ‘work around.’ Hand near boob. Hand on thigh. On inner thigh. On waist. Back to inner thigh. My hand moves up her skirt...
I can feel the heat. I let my hand brush against Marci’s panties. She jumps. I pull away. I apologize. She tells me it’s okay.
Marci stands up. She smiles. Reaches under her skirt…
My jaw hits the floor as she takes off her panties and sits back down… on my lap. I don’t work around. Inner thigh. My fingers ease in. She coos. She’s so wet. Reach around touching her bra. Bra comes off.
I’m dumfounded. I’m not sure what I should do. I want to dive right into a nipple. I move forward… and then I work around. It’s not long before I’m licking her nipple. She gets chills. My fingers are deep in wet fur. “Thank you, James” keeps running through my head.
Only after, do I realize she makes no attempt for my dick. However, I’m very aware that it is straining against my pants. I’d probably nut if she reached for it.
I lean her back on the bed. I attack with gusto. She squeals. She giggles. She moans. And then she MOANS. It’s low. Dark. Loud. I continue flicking my tongue and teasing with my fingers. Seeing what will happen if I do this. Or this. Or… this. She begins to groan higher and increasingly louder. Now I really get it: the mental and the mechanics. She’s squeezing my legs between her thighs. My ears are blocked with her thighs. I hear two things: my pounding heart and her screams. I keep at it.
This. Is. Awesome.
I think she may orgasm… how do girls orgasm? I know what guys do, but what happens when a girl cums? I don’t stop. I want to find out what happens.
Marci’s body shakes violently. Her legs kick. Slamming into my back. I will have nasty bruises for over a week. I start to pull up but the force of her legs keeps pushing me back down. From 30 years later, I imagine it much more comical. At that moment it was beyond intense. When her movements slow I pull back and fall on the floor.
We stare at each other: Shock. Guilt. Smiles.
I stand. She points at my hardon. I try and cover it. She laughs. Fucking bitch.
There’s a knock at the door. I don’t hear the party. Shit. Has everyone gone home? Did we scare people? What if it’s the cops? Fuck… what if it’s my dad?
She quickly dresses. Hand covering the boner, I slowly open the door. Everyone from the party is crammed into the hall. EVERY ONE of my friends in the world is in that hallway. “Is Marci okay?” I just stare. My mouth glistens with her juices.
Minutes later, the girls are all upstairs with Marci. I’m with the guys in the living room. They want details. It’s weird saying I ate her pussy. So I just say we made out. It doesn't matter what I say. My rep is sealed: I fucked her. I fucked her good. She’s labeled a slut. I’m labeled a stud. She has to change schools by the next year. Girls seek me out to take their virginity. I take them. I like it. Guys want to be around me. I like that more.
One thing in my favor is that I’m young and horny all the time. It really doesn’t matter who I’m fucking. Just that I’m fucking. It’s not until I get a steady “girlfriend” that I’m left somewhat alone.
In the heat of itI’d grown a few inches since that fall evening to that sweltering afternoon. I’m tall and gangly. Football and Baseball are not yet adding weight to my frame. My sister is the latest in a long line of girls I’ve made cum. However, she is the first I’ve made cum by fucking.
The three of us have been talking for about an hour. Clumsy innuendos. Clumsier double entendres. She lay on the bed sweating with all three fans blowing on her. I stand in the door looking at her tits. She smiles her killer smile, “Wanna fuck me?” She’s joking. I know it. My brother, sitting on the end of the bed massaging her feet knows it. My dick doesn’t. I go instantly hard.
I try to cover. It’s not use. Embarrassed, I want to leave. Sarah tells me to stay. Her legs spread. I can see her lips through the thin fabric. She smiles. “So Karyn said you’re really good…”
She loves how I play with it. My fingers. My tongue. She squeals and giggles. Twice she kicks me away, her foot slamming onto my shoulder and I’m on the floor. I get up after the second time. Sarah leans forward. Stops me before I kneel down again and pulls off my underwear. She sucks it a bit. She’s not that good.
But it’s a mouth…
A few minutes later, I’m entering her. She’s not quite all the way on the bed. I don’t have a good standing position over her. Not confident enough to tell her to move. She might stop me altogether.
As I slide in. I think, “This feels so good and SO right.
The end result is that I’m pushing up as I thrust. Each thrust rubs my bush against her clit. Each thrust causes her to whimper. After about ten minutes she’s screaming. I’m not sure how long I’m supposed to fuck. I’ve never had someone watching. I keep checking the clock, like an alarm will go off and tell me to stop. I look at Erik. I can’t figure out what he’s thinking: blank expression. I keep her on the edge long enough for her to scrape the shit out of my back with her nails. She tenses up. Her orgasm isn’t nearly as loud as I would have thought. She twitches and gurgles.
I pull out. I’m still hard. I haven’t cum yet. I’m thrown by her orgasm. Never happened while fucking. I’m disoriented. I flop into the chair. My brother gracelessly moves on top of Sarah. She pushes him off. He lays next to her. He brushes her tears away. I’m worried I hurt her.
We sit in silence for a while. Breathing. Sweating. My cock pulses as it rests on my thigh. Still hard; but not rigid.
Erik kisses Sarah’s leg. Moves to her pussy. He doesn’t lick it. Kisses around it. Up to her neck. She pulls him on top of her. Erik looks to me and says something about showing me how it’s done… Erik oafishly fucks her for a while.
I move to the bed. Sarah grabs my still hard dick. My brother is dripping sweat all over her. I rub his back. She tugs on my dick. My brother leans forward. I think he’s going to suck it. It’s too much. I jizz on my sister’s face. She lets go almost instantly. I keep cumming. Erik nuts inside her.
Jizz is on her face. In her hair. I smile. She yells at us: “Give a girl some warning.” As quick as it started, it’s over.
Late that night I can’t sleep. Too hot. Sheets off. One of the fans we stole from Sarah lazily swaying back and forth. Hardly much of a breeze. Erik groans in frustration. Heats too much for him as well. He tells me his dick still smells of Sarah’s juices. I laugh. I lick my finger and move it to my dick. Back up to my nose. Yep. I smell her, too.
Erik asks if I want to suck her off his dick. Of course.
I can barely see on this moonless night. I go to the side of his bed. I kneel as I often do before I blow him. I pull his already hard dick into my mouth. He stops me. “I’ll suck her off of you, too.”
A day of firsts: my first 69.
It’s rare for Erik to blow me. I can’t think of but a handful of times he’s sucked it. I don’t want to cum quickly. He starts rubbing my crack. I nut. I try not to collapse on him and choke him. My body is trembling.
I choke a little on his dick. He cums almost immediately.
We talk about the day. Fucking our sister. Is that wrong? It felt good. We know we’re not supposed to… but it feels fantastic. We bond in that moment. But I will ruin it…
In 3, 2, 1…
I make a crack about him not getting her off. As with most of our disagreements, it involves wrestling. One of us attacking the other and rolling around on the ground, trying to kill the other.
It doesn’t take too long for our parents to come storming in. They yell at us in that parental back-and-forth of asking questions, yet not waiting for an answer. We are frozen with fear and confusion. Parental shadows loom over us:
“Do you know what time it is?”
“Where are your pants?”
“Get off your brother!”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Honestly, you boys need to stop this constant fighting!”
“Where are your pants?”
“You are both old enough to know better!”
“I said, ‘get off your brother!’”
“Get to bed.”
“If I hear another peep out of you two, I swear to goodness…!”
The door slams. Their voices drifting as they walk down the hall.
“Where the hell are their pants?”
“Damn kids. We’ll see how much fighting they’ll have energy for after a day putting in fences on the ranch…”
We stay frozen for a moment. Me twisted into a ball. Eric on top of me. Our hands clenched in the other’s, pushing back and forth.We are united in that moment against our common enemy: Our parents. We laugh. We laugh hard.
Dad’s voice cries out from down the hall, “I swear to all that is holy, I will kick your godamned asses if you don’t shut the hell up right now!” We attempt to muffle them. This makes us laugh harder. We giggle. Our bodies shake together.
The heat. The wrestling. The hot embarrassment of being caught naked with my older brother. We are slick with sweat. We don’t let go. My backside on the carpet. I lean back. I pull my brother. Erik moves forward. His cock presses against my crack. We’re both hard.
I’m not sure how many times he’s fucked me by this time. Half a dozen? Mostly it’s been me blowing him. Sometimes he’d crawl into my bed. It always hurt. I never wanted it.
Today, I did.
“Vaseline,” I murmur. There’s a jar in our nightstand. He snuck it from my parent’s bathroom. It’s almost empty now. He lets go of my hand. I hear the soft scrape as the drawer is open. The metal lid pops off. His finger probes my ass a bit. It hurts. It feels good.
I hear the soft sounds as he works the thick jelly onto his dick. He massages it. It’ll be warm. Smooth.
I start to turn into the doggie position. He tells me to stay. I didn’t know guys could fuck in other positions. We’d always done it doggie style.
He moves to mount me. Dick against my hole. It feels natural. He pushes in. Oh my. This, this is right and good. I let out a groan/sigh. He works deep into me. He asks if I’m okay. I nod. He asks again. I nod. He leans in. Whispers in my ear. “You okay…?” I pull him closer. “Yeah.” It comes out as a whisper.
As my brother begins to slowly thrust, the usual pain and discomfort are hardly there. I try and stay quiet. It’s difficult. It feels so good. My hands run up and down his back like my sister’s earlier. Is this what it’s like to be a girl?
Nuzzling my neck. His body is both hot and cold at the same time. He asks again if it feels good. I whimper. His fucking is far less stilted than it was this afternoon with her. Slow rhythm. Purposeful. Strong.
He’s close. I pull him closer. My legs wrap around him. He starts to fuck a little harder. It feels fantastic. I tell him to fuck me faster… and harder. He obliges.
He cums deep in me. Both of us stifle our whimpers. He pumps until he’s spent. He shakes as he lays there. We lay there in silence. I feel his sweat dripping down on me. I make no attempt to move.
Erik pulls off. I let out a tremendous fart. I lay there. Shaking. Trying not to laugh out loud. Dick and fart jokes will continue to make us laugh.
The floor feels cooler than my bed. I lay there. He makes no attempt to get me off. After a bit, he collapses onto his bed. I jack off to the sound of his soft snore.
I fall asleep on the floor. The rug feels cool. It’s going to be even hotter tomorrow.
A masterpiece of erotic writing. Thank you.
Loving me some all in the family! You're totes mcgoats the best, for sure! My billet-doux on best-quality Embossed Border Monogrammed Correspondence Card is in the mail! Meanwhile, Totus Tuus, RL!
Hey, I just discovered your blog and this post was captivating. I started blogging about just trying to step back into sex with men while staying married, and so am in a very different place than you in many ways but able to relate to this co-evolution story of having sex with women and with men and liking both-although from this formative tale we see clearly what is really the main turn on. Perhaps in earlier posts you clarify why this wild exploration now, and what preceded it. I had a similar period of just trying on whatever I could get in my 30's and it can be exhilarating but also manic and weird - I hope you get a lot of good stuff and maybe you'll be lucky and find a fine hot man to have a longer relationship with.
My own blog is: Guys Like Me
There seems to be a Bay Area cluster of us blogging -Edgy Husband, and If I Do the Right Thing, and we are in very different current relationships but all working on how we get more sexual satisfaction with men outside our primary one.
I look forward to reading more.
Take Care
"Memories of Summer". Thanks for sharing your memories. The way you write, makes the stories even hotter. You have a very interesting family.
Sibling revelry at its best! The "brotherly fuck" was so hot it charmed a load right out of me. The only way it could have been any better would have been if your brother had "given you a hand" to finish you off while he was still big inside you. That would have been yet another first, probably for both of you.
Stunningly good writing.
Tender is the night...love all of your stuff, but this one rises above. Brilliant stuff.
Bud, that is one of your best writings yet.
I'm humbled by all your praise. Thank you!
Fond memories stirred up by such loving writing.
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